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Wireless networks in Tuorla

There are several wireless networks available in Tuorla. Preferred one is Eduroam if you have account for it. If not, you can use UTU Visitor, limitation is 8 hour relogin period. There is no SparkNet anymore.

Eduroam setup

UTU Visitor

Use of UTU visitor

To be able to use of UTU visitor, you need to join the network. Choose UTU visitor from available networks. After Joined the UTU visitor you need to open browser which will take you to self registering portal.

For successful self registereing one needs to give a name, email address and accept the terms and conditions. After this user will be automatically logged in and browser redirects the user to Opas-service.

Limitations of the network

Normal browsing, tunneling protocols and secure email protocols are allowed from UTU visitor -network. Automatically created user credentials will be valid for fixed time period. One can use same credentials in two differens devices.

computing_software/wireless.txt · Last modified: 2018/01/24 09:54 (external edit)